Masks are welcome here at First Unitarian, but not required.  (Some groups and classes that meet in our congregation may choose to continue to require masks.)  And a reminder that masks are an excellent way to prevent the flu. Please be mindful of accommodating the needs of our members, friends, or staff who may have a disability, such as someone who is immunocompromised.

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Of Which We are a Part

The beauty of our seventh principle is the way in which it recognizes that we as humans are deeply embedded in the web of existence. We called to protect the earth and its precious resources, which includes each other. How can we ensure our work … read more.

Come Sunday

This music from Duke Ellington’s Concert of Sacred Music invites us to reflect on divine presence as it is now and as it has been from the beginning – where it has enveloped us in grace and where it has urged us toward love.

Holy, Gratuitous Beauty

The writer Annie Dillard tells us that beauty is a kind of grace, wholly unmerited, and the least we can do is try to be there to witness it. How can we cultivate a spiritual practice of noticing beauty?

Finding Out We are Free

On this Juneteenth, we’ll explore what it means to be free–or not. If our freedom something that is given to us or something we claim?