Spiritual Direction helps guide the exploration of a person’s spiritual path with someone experienced in deep listening, reflection, and discernment. Spiritual direction can help us to live in wholeness, with compassion and love at the center. If you are interested in a Spiritual Companion for Wellspring, for going through a transition, or for enhancing your spiritual life, please contact one of our Spiritual Directors. You will find what they offer, and they will answer any questions about what you might expect during your time together.

“Each week at the beginning of our worship service we talk about the church being a place to build Beloved Community and to nurture the individual spirit. Our church has a trained group of spiritual directors that you may call on who are devoted to these affirmations — so that you might chart your own course with the help of a spiritual guide and build the Beloved Community in the process.. I celebrate the gifts these spiritual directors offer and the possibilities for growth all around. Blessed be.”

– Rev. Thomas Disrud, Associate Minister