Topic: Courage

Letting Go

We are at the beginning of the Lenten Season – an invitation to open our minds, hearts, and spirits to the possibility of transformation. The three pillar practices of prayer, fasting, and charity are the vehicles that move us along the journey of change. Fasting … read more.

Courage to be Uncomfortable

Where are the places we are called to but have yet to go? What will it take to dig deep within ourselves and go where courage calls us as individuals, as communities, and as human beings? 

To Love is To Act

The parable of the perfect heart[1] is a reminder that what really matters is the love we give away, the love we show for ourselves and others, and our love in action. As bell hooks the well-known black Buddhist-Christian scholar of theology, race, … read more.

The Courage to Be Yourself

As a minister, I have had the privilege of leading many memorial services for people of every age – the very young through the very old. In the end, one thing that clearly matters in a life well lived is the answer to the question: … read more.

Sacred Attention

We may express our love or gratitude for someone from the highest mountaintop. We may express it time and time again; still, frustratingly, we find we are not understood. We are left wondering why feelings of disconnection persist.

Fear and Courage

you choir. To my knowledge that is the first time that Taiko drums have been
here in this sanctuary.

The poor and dispossessed take up the

For civil rights–freedoms to think
and speak

Petition, pray and vote. When thunder

The civil righteous are finished being

spiritual theme this month has … read more.

The Courage of Our Convictions

We’ll build a land where we
bind up the broken

We’ll build a land where the
captives go free

Where the oil of gladness dissolves
all mourning

Oh, we’ll build a promised
land that can be.

Those forward-looking,
optimistic lyrics and the positive, upbeat melody in that major key…

It is a message of confident
progress … read more.

Courage in Connection

Courage isn’t something that only happens in extraordinary situations — it is a skill we can practice and learn in the everyday. How might we as a community lean into this vulnerable and messy work of practicing courage?