Speaker: Rev. Mira Mickiewicz

Healing for These Times

Living in the midst of chaos and pandemic, each of us is called to the constant work of bringing healing to ourselves, our communities, and the world, in ways small and large. What practices of trust and healing are carrying us now and in days … read more.

Please Remove Your Shoes

Anger, disappointment, pain, conflict — it can be hard to hold humility and perspective when things get rough. What are some practical ways that we can bring our best selves and our UU values into moments of tension and disagreement? How do we come back … read more.

Unabandoned by Grace

Throughout history and up until this very moment, life has been characterized, at least in part, by suffering. What has kept people going through these hard times? What grounding can we, as UUs, rest upon to move forward together?

(readings: excerpt of Nehemiah 9:28-37; “Love … read more.

Everyday Death

There is a Bhutanese saying, “To be a happy person, one must contemplate death five times every day.” In our culture that sometimes seems allergic to death, how might a practice like this benefit us? How might it prepare us not only for a happy … read more.

Courage in Connection

Courage isn’t something that only happens in extraordinary situations — it is a skill we can practice and learn in the everyday. How might we as a community lean into this vulnerable and messy work of practicing courage? 

Sacred Vessels

Sermon: Sacred Vessels

we begin, I’d love for everyone to move your body however it wants to move
right now. That might be stretching your legs and arms, wiggling, standing up,
or giving your hands a little massage. 

want to take a moment to acknowledge all that our bodies … read more.

The Blessings of Camp

summer, I have had the honor of planning and leading three weeks of Unitarian
Universalist day camp — Portland Chalice Camp. It was the inaugural summer of
what we hope will be  a long tradition. This year we had one week of
leadership training for middle and high … read more.

Skeletons in the Closet

Secrets. Lies. Regrets. In preparation for today, I’ve been spending lots of
time lately thinking about untold stories, and my inner jury is still out —
are skeletons better kept in the closet, or brought into the light of day? And
where does our faith call us in … read more.

Stories for Survival

Okri, a Nigerian storyteller, says, “We live by stories, we also live in them.
One way or another we are living in the stories planted in us early or along
the way, or we are also living in the stories we planted — knowingly or
unknowingly — in … read more.