Speaker: Carter Smith, Intern Minister

Mother’s Day for Peace

As a UU history nerd, I have always wanted to preach about Mother’s Day. Did you know, it’s one of those pieces of American history that came out of our religious heritage? And further, it has a more radical history than the Hallmark version of … read more.

Learning to be a Guest

“Come on in, take a seat,

Come on in, take a seat with Love”

“The presence of our love is here”

Our voluntaries this morning speak of a joyful, ecstatic welcome, welcoming that great Spirit of Love. And it is tangible. We can feel it in the atmosphere, … read more.

Poetry Sunday

There is this saying in the field of religious studies that goes “science is like prose, and religion is like poetry: they can both be sources of truth, but speak in different rhythms.” Though I’m not sure how far this metaphor extends, it is used … read more.

Love as a Spiritual Practice

“Let your light shine.”

Last week, Reverend Bill called us to be aware–sometimes even wary–of the lenses we wear that add another filter between us and that light, impacting how we meet it. That light, that sacred spark, that Spirit of Love that shines on all … read more.

Called In to Possibility

Good morning, all. This is meant to be the place where I introduce myself to you, in sermon form.

This seems like a pretty simple task at face value, because I’m this well-educated competent adult who has been hired to learn and serve in this wonderful … read more.