Music Opportunities for Children and Families

Children’s Choir

A children’s choir for students in Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade, will meet and rehearse before the 10:30 service. Students will learn songs, play games, and develop musical skills. The choir will also learn pieces to perform during worship at various times throughout the year. Visit the music for children page on our website for more information.

Ukulele Choir

An intergenerational family ukulele choir will meet and rehearse after the 10:30 service concludes. We’ll learn songs, simple chords and strumming, picking notes, improvising, and maybe even some composing! No prior ukulele knowledge is necessary, so beginners should feel free to jump right in! Don’t have an ukulele? Sign up anyway and let me know, and we’ll do our best to find one for you to borrow. Visit the music for children page on our website for more information.

Handbells for All Ages

Handbell choirs have a long and vibrant history in First Unitarian Church and has always been exemplary of the congregation’s commitment to multigenerational engagement. Visit the handbells page on our website for more information.