Month: May 2020

All Evidence to the Contrary

Imagine: A Black police officer forces his knee onto the neck of a white man, in handcuffs, lying face down on the pavement. His knee keeps pressing down harder and harder for 8 minutes while the white man gasps and pleads that he cannot breathe, … read more.

May 2020 Moderator’s Letter


As we move through spring we continue to have outstanding Sunday services and music which stream to consistently large numbers of people. The YRUU service a few weeks ago had over 900 devices watching! Not only are you watching, you are also supporting with your … read more.

Looking Forward

As energy builds to “re-open” the nation, the question for First Unitarian is when we might imagine “re-opening” the church. When can we return to worshipping in the sanctuary? When can we open our campus for programming and rentals, for rites of passage and community … read more.

Annual Ballot Results

This year our voting members were asked to consider the recommended candidates to serve on the Board of Trustees and the Nominating Committee, as well as a Board Steward for our church’s Foundation, a separate non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to benefit First Unitarian … read more.

Just Human Nature

The Lord of the Flies offers a grim and pessimistic portrayal of human nature. The “darkness [of the human] heart,” to use the author’s phrase, is revealed when a group of boys from a British boarding school, shipwrecked without adults on a deserted island, descend … read more.


The Sweet Gum tree outside my kitchen has finally leafed. It is always a “late bloomer” and the leaves are still unfolding a bit, up here on the hill where I live. I love being present to the greening of that tree, though it makes … read more.

Our Grief Will Endure

“The Pandemic Will Pass. Our Grief Will Endure” by Eddie Glaude, Jr., Washington Post, April 7, 2020

I printed Prof. Glaude’s article more than three weeks ago and placed it on a small stack of books and papers at the left of my desk. To the … read more.