Month: April 2020

“Insert Crow-bar … and Push!”

A good friend, a longtime activist, confronted with injustice, is fond of asking, “Where can I insert my crow-bar and push!” Her question asks where needs are greatest and where effort can be most effective.

Six weeks into the Covid 19 world, many of us privileged … read more.

April, 2020 Moderator’s Letter


Well, it has been a month since we implemented our physical distancing and safe ways of being with each other. The board hopes you all are healthy and continuing to find the gifts in your life.

We are blessed to have ministers and staff who are … read more.

The Right Questions

When will things get back to normal? When will we be able to worship in the sanctuary? When will the choirs be able to sing again? When will our children be able to have religious education classes?

All these questions are natural. The problem is that … read more.

A Different Easter and a Different Spring

Easter at First Unitarian is usually such a celebratory time. Big music. All the choirs. The Halleluiah hymns. Every seat filled. Some years, Standing Room Only.

Every year, I ponder the power that Easter has for liberal religious folks…for us…and for me. The rejection of the … read more.

Love Bigger

“All I can do is to LOVE bigger.” The young nurse being interviewed at home after her 12 hour shift at a New York hospital, exhaustion in her face, spoke to me with a needed reminder of what I know to be true. All we … read more.