April, 2020 Moderator’s Letter


Well, it has been a month since we implemented our physical distancing and safe ways of being with each other. The board hopes you all are healthy and continuing to find the gifts in your life.

We are blessed to have ministers and staff who are holding our spirits with outstanding services & music, and keeping our physical facilities day by day, while also looking and planning ahead for how we will be together in the coming months. 

It is likely we will have virtual church services for the rest of our church year. These have been very well ‘attended’. If you haven’t, please tune in, and continue to monitor the church website and bulletins for ways to stay connected.

First Unitarian is committed to pay all our staff through the month of April. We have applied for a Payroll Protection Loan, part of the CARES Act, which if received will allow us to extend that for approximately two additional months.

Spring is the time for our Annual Ballot and this year is no exception. You will be receiving through postal mail the ballot with slates for new board members, nominating committee members and Foundation board members. This year the board is proposing some changes to our Articles and Bylaws, which require vote by the congregation. If you have questions about any of these please contact the board at board@firstunitarianportland.org 

The Real Estate Development Task Force has been moving forward with investigations into requirements for and feasibility of changes to our church campus.  The board recently met with the task force and as options are discussed will keep the congregation apprised of progress.

The Senior Minister Search Committee is also forging ahead with their work. If you have thoughts or questions for them here’s how to reach them msc@firstunitarianportland.org

Our board meetings are now via Zoom. If you want to observe or have congregant comments look for the zoom link in the agenda of our board packet for that month.

In Gratitude, 

Kathy Ludlow

Moderator First Unitarian Board of Trustees