Voting Information

To watch the recording of the Board/MSC Forum on the Ministerial Transition, click here.

Candidating Week culminates in a congregation-wide vote to call our new senior minister. Ballots will be mailed out ahead of time by the church office. (Note: there are TWO ballots this year, one for the senior minister and one general annual ballot; they have different deadlines and processes for turning in.) You are only eligible to vote if you are a member of the church as of April 4th, 2022.

If you are returning your ballot by mail, it must be received by the church offices by Thursday, May 19th. If you are returning your ballot in person, it must be submitted by 12:15pm on Sunday, May 22nd. There will be Board Members present at the Sunday service to whom you can turn in your ballot that day.

The Board of Trustees and Ministerial Search Committee joint-hosted a forum about this transition, including information about voting. If you missed it, we invite you to watch the recording on Youtube here.

Our church by-laws stipulate that, to be called to serve us, a minister must receive a “yes” vote of 90% or higher (90% of the returned ballots, not of the total ballots sent out). Ministers, too, are looking for a very high vote of confidence in them, as it is a sign that this will be a mutually fulfilling relationship. We encourage you to get to know Reverend Alison through experiencing her sermons, attending a Meet & Greet, and perusing her website — and then we hope you cast your vote to bring her here officially!