Topic: Neighbor

Lessons from Gate 4A

This Sunday’s service will come from the staff of the Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association. They will offer reflections on Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem “Gate 4A” to ground us as we enter this holiday season. 

Note: Our intern minister, Eli Poore, was scheduled … read more.

What Makes Us Real

Earlier in the service Rev. Alison shared an excerpt from the Velveteen Rabbit, which was first published 100 years ago, way back in 1922. It is a story about a stuffed rabbit that doesn’t feel loved by the other toys in the nursery. Some of … read more.

Rooted in Gratitude

When people ask what Unitarian Universalists mean when we say, “I’ll be there for you” as our choir just sang, one response is our covenant – the 7 principles and 6 sources. Plus, the 8th principle newly adopted by hundreds of UU communities, including our congregation. … read more.

Democracy Begins Next Door

Neighbors are not strangers, not friends, not family. They are the people who we include in the territory we consider to be ‘home.’ Not everyone in our building, or the blocks surrounding our tent, or rental, or house is a neighbor. When we think of … read more.