This Place is Sanctuary

It felt good to “launch” a new church year last Sunday, even if it was, once again, at a distance. We were able to see our choir singing via video—not the same as in person but we were at least able to have an image of our singers there together in community. And it was felt good imagining all of you out there gathered on Sunday morning. That imagination has been one of the things that has sustained me in these months when we have not been together in person.

In the spirit of reminding us of the blessing we have here in this community, I want to offer this Litany that was part of last Sunday’s service. It is by UU minister Kathleen McTigue and speaks to all that we bring into this community and into this new church year.

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This Place is Sanctuary, by Kathleen McTigue (adapted)

You who are broken hearted,

Who woke today with the winds of despair

Whistling through your mind,

Come in.

You who are brave but wounded,

Limping through life and hurting with every step,

Come in.

You who are fearful, who live with shadows

Hovering over your shoulders,

Come in.

This place is sanctuary, and it is for you.

You who are filled with happiness,

Whose abundance overflows,

Come in.

You who walk through the world

With lightness and grace,

Who awoke this morning with strength and hope,

You who have everything to give,

Come in.

This place is your calling, a riverbank to channel

The sweet waters of your life,

The place where you are called by the world’s need.

Come in.

Here we offer in love,

Here we receive in gratitude,

Here we make a circle from the great gifts

Of breath, attention and purpose.

Come in.