Sunday, October 13, 2019

Monthly Theme: Courage
Sermon Topic: “The Courage of Our Convictions”

Amani Utupe (Grant Us Peace, Give Us Courage)
Music: Patsy Ford Simms
Text: Patsy Ford Simms  

As we travel down this weary road,
Amani utupe na ustawi.
We need strength to carry on our load;
Amani utupe na ustawi.
Grant us peace, give us courage.

Amani utupe na ustawi.
Grant us peace, give us courage.

Amani utupe na ustawi.
Road is rocky and the way is dark.
Amani utupe na ustawi.

Ev’ry road has a diff’rent fork.
Amani utupe na ustawi.
Grant us peace, give us courage.
Amani utupe na ustawi.
Grant us peace, give us courage.

Amani utupe na ustawi.
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Amani utupe na ustawi.
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Amani utupe na ustawi.
Grant us peace, give us courage.
Amani utupe na ustawi.
Grant us peace, give us courage.

Amani utupe na ustawi.

Grant us peace___, give us courage.
Amani utupe na usta________wi_______.

Amani utupe na ustawi!

The Singer’s Dance
Music: Kim André Arnesen
Text: Euan Tait

The leaves have fallen away, and dance
to the wind-song garden,

and through new naked trees, we see
the two great rivers in their beauty

and restless power. The driven clouds
burn like comets in our aerial ocean,

the air is alight with the cries of birds
flocking southwards like music

once exiled from the heart, yet our hearts
erupts and here, on the wind-driven hill

we are drawn to the centre of the dance
and we know we are helplessly singing,

seeking whatever in us we cannot stop,
the song ceaseless leaping, our utter yes.  

Creation of Peace
Music: Mark Miller
Text: Barbara Hope and Mark Miller

We’ll build a love where we bind up the broken,
We’ll build a land where captives go free,
Where the oil of gladness dissolves all our mourning,
We’ll build a promised love that can be.

We’ll build a love where we bring good tidings,
To all afflicted and those who will mourn,
We’ll give them garlands instead of ashes,
We’ll build a love where peace is reborn!

O come build a love, come gather together,
anointed by God, may then create peace:
where justice shall roll down like waters,
and peace, peace like an ever flowing stream.

We’ll build a love where those who are hungry
Are given the food that makes a soul strong,
Restoring the balance to all of God’s children,
Come build a land where all will belong!

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Peace flows down,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Peace flows down,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

We’ll build a love where cries of praises resound
From spirits once faint and once weak,
Where oaks of righteousness stand her people,
Come build a love , my people we seek!