Sunday, March 8, 2020

Monthly Theme: Humility
Sermon Topic: “Mama’s Last Hug”

We’re the Water in the Waves
Music: Angela Salvaggione
Text: Leslie Takahashi

We’re the water in the waves
We’ve been travelling as one,
Riding first the crest and then the drop
In the moon, we’ve been the shine.
Through the sun, we’ve made the clouds
Always moving like we’re never going to stop.
‘Cause we’re the water, just the water, in the waves.

We’re the water in the waves,
We’ve been part of one same flow
Whether moving through the mist or spray
While at times we’ve been a drop,
And in others soared as mist
We’ve been company for many a good day.
Just as the water, as the water, in the waves.

We’re the water in the waves,
Until we are no more
So we each take off for places yet unknown, as yet unknown
And when the words writ in the sand
Have vanished grain by grain.
We will never know the seeds already sown
For we’re the water, just the water, of the waves.

We’re the water in the waves,
and although we soon will part
We’ve a common path seen from afar.
In the flowing of a stream,
or a snowflake’s graceful fall
The deep connections nothing here can ever mar.
For we’re the water, as the water, in the waves

We’re the water in the waves.
Always dancing from these shores
We’re connected by our common liquid heart
Yes, the tides have left us here
And we’ve nothing left to fear
For our nature is to part
To be the water, like we’re the water, in the waves—

Yes, we’re the water, just the water.
Part of water, still the water,
Still as water, we’re the water
In the waves—
We’re the water, just the water, in the waves.

More Love
Music: Kevin Siegfried
Text: Shaker Song Texts

O we have found a lovely vine
In this valley blooming,
Whose blossoms shoot and promise fruit
Beautiful and cheering.

More love,
The heaven’s are blessing.
More love,
The angels are calling.

Its verdant branches it shades
The meek and lowly,
Dazzling light does shine so bright,
It fills the valley.

We’ll plant is and sow it
and everyday grow it.