Sunday, March 1, 2020

Monthly Theme: Humility
Sermon Topic: “Masters of the Universe”

This Day
Music: Antonín Dvořák
Text: Antonín Dvořák

This day was made for great rejoicing,
this day is truly God’s creation!
The universe delight is voicing,
all Nature joins the celebration.
To watch the midges gaily dancing,
wee insects are perched on leaf and blossom,
while through the forest busy brooks are rushing,
filling with longing and desire ev’ry bosom.
See how the heavens turn to crimson:
sunset’s flaming torches are burning.
O hear how the lovely nightingales sing,
their rapt’rous songs of love and yearning!
The world resounds with wondrous music
as each fulfills the joyous duty
of giving thanks for countless blessings:
Peace and contentment, truth and beauty.
Radiant in moonlight, glitt’ring with starlight,
glowing with rapture and emotion,
now earth and heav’n from a chalice;
drink of the boundless joy Nature holds!

Oh Universe
Music: Richard Wilder
Text: Hugh Mitchell

Even in our deepest ecstasy
Thou art more beautiful
Than any can imagine

How could the Great Spirit
Give song to the birds
Or deep voice to the oceans

How can it be
We can breath the air
And see sunrise-sunset
Feel the life of the breeze
And taste the joy of the living
In the sweet fruit of love