Sunday, February 2, 2020

Monthly Theme: Ancestry
Sermon Topic: “Wells We Did Not Dig”

Music: Jake Runestad
Text: Henry David Thoreau

We live but a fraction of our life.
We do not fill all our pores with our blood;
We do not inspire and expire fully and entirely enough,
So that the wave of each inspiration
Shall break on our farthest shores,
Rolling ’til it meets the sand which bounds us,
And the sound of the surf comes back [to us].
Why do we not let on the flood,
Raise the gates,
And set all our wheels in motion?

There is the calmness of the lake
When there is not a breath of wind;
So it is with us.
Sometimes we are clarified and calmed
As we never were before.
We become like a still lake of purest crystal
And without an effort
Our depths are revealed to ourselves.
All the world goes by us
And is reflected in our deeps.
Such clarity!
Obtained by such pure means!
By simple living,
By honesty of purpose.
To be calm, to be serene!

Go Down, Moses
Music: Adolphus Hailstork
Text: Traditional Spiritual

When Israel was in Egypt’s land, 
Let my people go. 
Oppressed so hard they could not stand, 
Let my people go. 

Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt’s land, 
tell old Pharaoh: Let my people go. 

Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said,
Let my people go.
If not I’ll smite your first born dead
Let my people go.

No more shall they in bondage toil,
Let my people go.
Let them come out with Egypt’s spoil,
Oh yes!
Let my people go.

The Lord told Moses what ta do, 
Let my people go. 
To lead the children of Israel through, 
Let my people go.

When they had reached the other shore, 
Let my people go.
they sang a song of triumph o’er, 
Let my people go.