Sunday, April 26, 2020

Monthly Theme: Possibility
Sermon Topic: “Engaging Apocalypse”

Rain Come Down
Music: Shawn Kirchner
Text: Shawn Kirchner

Come, rain, come down, come rain, come down,
Heaven’s tears of mercy, come a-runnin’ down.

Say no words, it is too soon, say no words out loud.
But wrap your quiet arms around, hide us in your cloud.

Come wash away this grief and pain,
and let all hearts be clean.
And bring the fairest flow’rs
to meet the sorrows we have seen.

A little lower than the angels we were born to be,
Yet which of all the creatures knows this misery?

Come, rain, come down, come rain, come down,
Heaven’s tears of mercy, come a-runnin’ down.

I Believe
Music: Mark A. Miller
Text: Anonymous Jewish Poem

I believe in the sun even when it’s not shining.
I believe in love even when I don’t feel it.
I believe in God even when He is silent.