Speaker: Rev. Alison Miller

The Beloved Community Beckons

Our Unitarian Universalist heritage calls us to remember we come from one source, and we all share the same destiny. Today, the destiny we say we are aiming for is the Beloved Community. This is part of the vision of our congregation. It is also … read more.

Crisis of Inhumanity

We are heading towards four months in the escalating conflict between Israel and Palestine. It is a time of heartbreak where many are clamoring to find a way towards hope and a fuller view of humanity. As we lament where we are in the present, … read more.

The Spiritual Practice of Generosity

Our annual spiritual theme is “Love Is at the Center.” This theme comes from the collective effort throughout the Unitarian Universalist Association to share a fresh articulation of our values and covenant. One of the six core values lifted up for us to reflect on … read more.

Family Christmas Pageant

All are warmly welcomed at this wonderful and joyous service put on by the children of our congregation. Originally presented in 1924 in honor of the first Christmas in our then-new church on the corner of SW 12th Ave. and Salmon, this pageant, in its … read more.

Co-Creation of Christmas

Did you know that our Unitarian ancestors had a lot to do with the origins of Christmas and how it is celebrated? Come and hear the stories and reflect on ways we can recapture and re-imagine the spirit of the season.

Expectant Waiting

It is the first Sunday in Advent. We light the first candle for hope. What is it that we are hoping to experience? The answer may lie with one of the six values in the covenant that stems from love at the center of our … read more.

A Big Hearted Faith

All are invited to our Annual Celebration Sunday! This is part of the “Sharing our Hearts’ Treasure” Campaign. Today, let us explore how this calls us to practice radical hospitality.

Together Time // Time for All Ages

Is God Fair?

As Unitarian Universalists, we envision a salvation that includes everyone. Yet, our world is still very far from that vision. How do we get there? The answer may lie with one of the six values in the covenant that stems from love at the center … read more.