New Beginnings

Welcome to the start of a new year and a new shared ministry. This coming Sunday, September 11th at 10:30am is our homecoming, and children, youth, and adults of all ages are invited to join us in-person and online. I can’t wait to begin our first year together! It is a time of getting to know each other, of nourishing the roots of relationship, and of planting seeds for a vibrant future.

Over the course of this year, I hope to find ways to spend some time with all of you whether at a worship, social event, justice event, learning activity, meeting or small group gathering. I am looking forward to hearing more about what your hopes are for our congregation and for our engagement in the world through this time of possibility and uncertainty. I am looking forward to collaborating and co-creating ministries and programs with you that lead to more abundant meaning, connection, and hopeful change.

I am equally looking forward to getting to my new home here in Portland, and I am delighted to share that my husband and son have both now arrived too. We are beginning to explore what the area has to offer, and we welcome tips from locals on how we might enjoy some of our free time.

September is often a shape-shifting time filled with firsts – the first day of school, the first day of a new church year, and Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year). For some, September birthdays signal the arrival of parenthood or of retirement. Also, I am not the only one who has moved recently. The summer months are a popular time for moving, so a number of us are spending our first days in a new hometown. September is also a time when children and adults sign up for new activities in their lives, and we witness this in our congregation too. Maybe this is the year to try teaching, or ushering, or singing, or joining a justice team? And, later this month we will host our first Animal Blessing in Columbia Park – the whole family is welcome – including those with feathers, fur, scales and/or their photo representations.

A Blessing for New Beginnings:

May the power and possibilities of new beginnings

Be a blessing upon us in this season of firsts.

May we muster the courage to try new things,

Celebrating that we can learn our whole lives long.

May we tend faithfully to the roots and shoots

That bring us closer to our hearts true longing.

May we cultivate compassion for ourselves

When a new phase is unwanted or hard.

May we find in ourselves the resilience

To begin again always in love. 

In faith,

Rev. Alison