Moderator’s Letter – September 2021


Our church year started with Homecoming Sunday this past weekend. Though we all had hoped we would be back together, we find ourselves starting our second year as a virtual church. In the last few weeks, a group of Lay Ministers and volunteers has been calling congregants to see how everyone is doing. As you might expect, there is a wide range of experiences and feelings in our community. The one constant we have heard is that everyone understands that continuing to be cautious is the right decision for the church. The Board is grateful for all the volunteers who are keeping us in touch. 

The first Board meeting of the year was held September 2. Our main topic was how living into the 8th Principle, adopted by the congregation, will influence the Board and its work this year. We will be looking at our policies and our processes and asking what accountability to the 8th Principle means for the governance of the church and for the Board. We are excited to begin this work and curious to see where it will lead us. 

We want to thank all of you who gave us input for the Church’s new three-year goals. The Board spent much of its summer retreat time reviewing the input and understanding the hopes and challenges the congregation sees before us in the next three years. The most important theme that emerged from all your ideas was “community” – appreciation for what we have now, and anticipation of what community will look like in the church that is emerging. We will be finalizing the goals in the next two weeks and approving them at the October Board meeting. 

With Bill Sinkford’s departure as Senior Minster set for June 2022, the Church’s work on the transition will increase in the upcoming months. The Ministerial Search Committee is continuing its work and will be engaging the congregation in different ways as they discern whom to call as our next Senior Minister. The Board will be supporting them as they do this important work for the church. The Board will also support and honor Rev. Sinkford as we say goodbye and celebrate the years we have spent together. 

The Board’s business meetings (first Thursday of each month beginning at 7:00 pm) will continue to be held on Zoom until we can once again gather at the church. Meetings are open to congregants to observe or to share comments. Look for the Zoom link in the Board meeting agenda/packet, normally posted by the Friday before each Board meeting. 

You can always contact the board at 

In service, 

Mindy Clark 

Moderator, Board of Trustees