Moderator’s Letter – November 2021


It has been wonderful to be back in the sanctuary, seeing familiar faces “in 3D.” At the same time, we know that many of you are being cautious, and our virtual church remains strong and well-attended.

We thank all of you who have given a gift or made a pledge during our season of giving, Meeting the New Day. Your generosity makes this church and all we do possible. If you haven’t yet made your gift, there is still time. You can donate on the website or by calling the church office.

On Sunday, Nov. 14, we held our first Board Forum of the year. The topic was the three-year Church goals. We had a good turnout and received thoughtful feedback that has been taken into consideration in the final goals

The Ministerial Search Committee is in the final stages of completing our Congregational Record, the document that tells prospective candidates who we are and what we are hoping for in our next Senior Minister. The Congregational Record is the culmination of many months of work, including a congregational survey, cottage meetings with congregants and the Beyond Categorical Thinking workshop held last month. We thank the committee for the time, energy and love they are bringing to this process.

In service

Mindy Clark Moderator, Board of Trustees