Moderator’s Letter – March 2022 


With the return of children to our Learning Community, the choir on the chancel, and sitting on our familiar hard seats, last Sunday almost felt like a “normal” Sunday at First Unitarian. It was good to see so many of you in church. I know First Unitarian has changed over these last two years we have spent apart, and I am excited to see the evolution of what we are calling the “emerging church.” And yet, my heart was glad to sit in the familiar surroundings of the sanctuary, greeting my neighbors and hearing many voices singing and many joyful hands clapping. 

I have some important dates to share. First, April 4 is our official “Date of Record” this year. The Date of Record is the date by which you must be a voting member of First Unitarian to be able to vote on our annual ballot. This year, voting members will also be voting on calling our new Senior Minister. Becoming a voting member requires signing the Membership Record Book (check with the church office, this step has alternatives to an in-person signature) and making and fulfilling a pledge to the annual operating campaign that is generous within your means. If you are unable to make a pledge, you are still welcome to become a voting member. You can receive a pledge waiver from the church office. Only those who are voting members by April 4 will be able to vote to call our new Senior Minister. 

The second date is April 10 at 1:30 PM when the Board and the Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) will be holding a joint Forum. A Zoom link will be published in the Front Steps. We will be talking about the transition to a new Senior Minister — from saying goodbye to Reverend Bill to Candidating Week when we will meet the new Senior Minister candidate, to voting to call the new minister, and what we might expect over the first months of the new minister’s tenure. We hope you will be able to join us. 

The Board is continuing its work on what living into the 8th Principle means for us as a Board and for all of First Unitarian. The Board formed an ad hoc committee several years ago as a vehicle for helping the Board examine how white supremacy culture and white privilege impact the way the Board works. That committee, now called the Board Liberation Team (BLT) and has evolved to shepherding us through our work with the 8th Principle. Members of the BLT contacted several congregations that are ahead of us in adopting and living into the 8th Principle. In the February Board meeting, the BLT shared some of the things other congregations are doing. First Unitarian is doing some of the same things and we have gone further in some areas than the other congregations. The 8th Principle Learning Community started by Paula Cole-Jones provides an ongoing opportunity for congregations to learn from one another. 

As always, our Board meetings are the First Thursday of the month at 7:00 and we will continue meeting on Zoom for the time being. All congregants are welcome to join us. 

In service, 

Mindy Clark