Moderator’s Letter – March 2021


We have passed a milestone in the church’s history that none of us could ever have predicted – we have not been in our buildings for an entire year. Though we all miss being together, our virtual ministry has allowed our beloved community to expand beyond just those who can drive to the church. I have met several of our new community members at Virtual Coffee Hour and enjoyed hearing their stories about how they connected with First Unitarian. Our virtual ministry and community will continue to be important even as we come together again. 

Ministry and staff have been thinking about how and when we will regather when circumstances allow. They are consulting with congregants as they explore alternatives and develop plans. The transition back to meeting in person is more complicated than our move to the virtual world and will take more time to figure out. 

The Board’s major task for the remainder of the year will be working with all of you to develop church goals for the next three years. There are three ways to give your input on what you value about First U, what you think our priorities should be, and the challenges you see before us. Board members will be meeting with groups that want an in-person conversation, other groups are answering these questions together and submitting a group response, and others will be answering the questions individually. The Board will hold two open meetings for congregants in April. Thank you to all who are taking the time to let us know what you think. 

The church is also continuing its exploration of the 8th Principle. There will be a meeting with Paula Cole Jones, who has been shepherding us through this process, to learn about an assessment tool she has developed to help congregations track their progress on implementing the 8th Principle. And there will be one more opportunity to learn about the 8th Principle before we vote on adopting it. More information will be coming in the Front Steps. 

In service, 

Mindy Clark 
