Moderator’s Letter – January 2022

January 2022 Moderator Letter


It was wonderful to gather in person for Christmas Eve candlelight service. We greeted old friends and welcomed those new to First Unitarian. And so it was with disappointment that the difficult decision was made to return to virtual services. At the Public Health Team’s recommendation, and the Board’s support, the Executive Team decided to keep us as safe as possible as we weather the omicron variant. 

The extreme transmissibility of omicron has also led to the postponement of our annual auction for the time being. As soon as it safe, the Auction Committee will regather and begin thinking about what’s next. 

We are wrapping up our Meeting the New Day season of giving. We finished at 94% of our goal. Thank you to all of you who have committed to supporting First Unitarian, its worship, and programs for the coming year. 

The Board and the Executive Team continue to think about what we are calling the “emerging church.” We have been asking questions such as how many people will regularly return to in-person worship and how many of us have come to enjoy attending from the comfort of home? What might religious education look like as we return? What are the implications of these changes for how we use our facilities? We had thought we would be closer to some understanding by this time, but there is still much uncertainty. Faith calls us to be patient; our Beloved Community will emerge with both traditions from our past and opportunities for our future. 

A reminder that Board meetings are open to all congregants to make comments or just to observe. We welcome you to join us. 

In service, 

Mindy Clark 
