Moderator’s Letter – January 2021


The past few weeks have been a tumultuous time in the life of our country. Amidst the turmoil, First Unitarian has continued to be a beacon of hope.

Our holiday services were very different this year and, though virtual, they refreshed my soul and my connection to our traditions. On behalf of the Board, I thank ministry and staff for all the work they put into all our holiday activities.

The church has completed its third round of outreach calls to congregants. It’s a big task and I thank the ministers, staff and lay leaders for continuing to stay in touch with us one-to-one as most of our time together still must be virtual.

The congregation is continuing its exploration of the 8th Principle. Several opportunities to learn about it and to think about how it might impact First Unitarian have already occurred. There will be one more opportunity to join a group on Feb. 8th. Please look at the Front Steps for information on how to register.

Adopting the 8th Principle would be a big step for our congregation. One question I have heard raised is, “Is adopting the 8th Principle just ‘virtue signaling?’” The corollary sentiment expressed with that question is that we need to know now what adopting the Principle will mean for all that we do in the church. I look at it a little bit differently. I see the 8th Principle, as I see all our Principles, as a statement of who we want to be and how we aspire to be in the world. The destination is clear, but the path is unfolding. I hope, if you have not already done so, that you will take the opportunity to learn more about it.

Lastly, as we move into what I hope will be a time of healing in our nation, I want to highlight our upcoming Seminary for a Day. The Rev. Meg Riley, Co-Moderator of the UUA, will be sharing her thoughts on how we can take the experience we have in welcoming the LGBTQ+ community to extend our welcome to other marginalized communities. I think it’s time to reinvigorate the idea of “radical hospitality” and see what it might mean for all of us.

In service,

Mindy Clark
