March Moderator Letter


We are excited and pleased to have our Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) in place.  They were presented to the congregation last Sunday and their names published in last week’s eNews.  I want to acknowledge the work of the Nominating Committee in helping the board sort through all the many qualified applicants.  The MSC is embarking on a year-long process to bring us a candidate for a congregational vote in the spring of 2021. Please support and contribute to their efforts.  At this point, the MSC will drive the effort to bring a new senior minister to First Unitarian.  

I trust you have been reading about the efforts of our church staff to ensure our safety and health during the Covid-19 outbreak.  Please monitor the church website and bulletins for ongoing changes to schedules, meetings, worship and RE.

The Building Task Force has been moving forward with investigations into requirements for and feasibility of changes to our church campus.  The board is receiving updates from the task force and as options are discussed will keep the congregation apprised of progress.

As always, if you have questions or comments, you can email us at

During this time, while not reaching out to each other in person, let us reach out with our hearts and caring words. Be gentle with yourself and one another. If you have an intention you would like to be held by our ministers and lay ministers or contact from them, please send to 

In Gratitude, 

Kathy Ludlow

Moderator First Unitarian Board of Trustees