Letter From the Board – October 2023

Hi, I’m Andy Wilson, treasurer of the church and the foundation. And it’s Annual Fund Drive time. So this is when I have to say, please give. Give early and often. Give until it hurts! Actually … if it hurts … stop. Our church is about improving people’s lives and not causing pain and guilt.

Okay. Having discharged my duty as treasurer, I will use the rest of my word budget for reflection. One insight I would like to share is that Newton’s second law (“a body in motion tends to stay in motion”) does not apply to human institutions. Human institutions require energy and care to build and to keep running. Pretty much anyone can dismantle things. Building something of value and maintaining it requires strategy and, even more, a commitment to serving the people of today and the people of the future.

The Board is forming its three year goals that are measurable (S.M.A.R.T) and getting ready to help the congregation with five year goals for the Church.

Another insight is that one should only be committed to things which are worthy of commitment. What about Unitarian Universalism makes it worth our time? Is First Unitarian Church just (as Reverend Bill used to say) OPB with a choir? Is it a “lite,” decaf, gluten-free, faux religion, or does it have something of value to teach us? A Unitarian Universalist needs to find an answer to this question that works for them. I tend to the latter point of view — that Unitarianism teaches us important things — but (being sort-of a good Unitarian) I do have questions. Are we at risk of watering down the religion to the point where, as Gertrude Stein once said of Oakland, “there really is no there there”?

Enough rumination! It’s Fall. Have a pumpkin spice latte, go to a football game, hike in the Gorge and admire the changing seasons. And give to the AFD until it feels good.


Andy Wilson

P.S. After the service on Sunday, October 15, in person and on the internet, there will be a Q&A with Reverend Alison and an update from the Board on the church’s financial position.