Letter From the Board – May 2023

Greetings, Beloved Friends! 

This is Caitlynn (they/them), your Governance Committee Chair. If you don’t know me: I have been at First Unitarian for about six years, during which I’ve been a “do-er” of many things around here. Besides serving on the Board of Trustees for the past three years, I am also part of the Social Justice Leadership Committee, Reverend Alison’s Community Conversations, and The Leaven Community. 

I started my time on the board three years ago, when “Corona” only meant a refreshing adult beverage. I don’t have to tell y’all that our church and the larger community look a bit different three years later. For the past few years, we’ve been talking and dreaming together about what the post-pandemic “emerging” church might look like. Well, by George, I think it’s happening!  

For the first time since the shutdown, the Auction came back, and it had all the energy of a Taylor Swift concert you spent eight hours waiting for on Ticketmaster. Thank you to everyone who participated and to the Auction Committee for their incredible work. This year the goal was to “Zap the Gap” in the church’s budget, and the Auction crew, with chairs Evie Zaic and Sharon Dawson, pulled through to more than meet their goal! 

Shout out to the volunteers bringing life back to our church block. They have been lovingly tending to our grounds: weeding, planting, and hanging bee and bird houses – making our physical space welcoming to all our neighbors regardless of species.

The emerging church is a changing church, which can feel uncomfortable. Even the most welcome change can touch on sore spots. Folks keeping up with the current budgeting process have witnessed some of this tension and energy at our two budget information sessions. The tension from change is where the work of liberation happens. Change is a blessing, and I have faith that we’ll grow into places we can’t even imagine today. 

How are you dreaming and doing in your communities these days? The ending of the church year and the ramp-up to General Assembly always bring about an abundance of opportunities for feedback. Reverend Alison will be hosting eight Community Conversations. Article II discussions will continue with delegates sharing updates on their work, and circulating now is the congregational survey. What are you dreaming and doing in your communities these days?  

This a reminder voting on our annual ballot is one way to engage in the work and life of the church. Ballots must be received in the mail by Thursday, May 18, or dropped off in the narthex by 10:45 a.m. Sunday, May 21.

Caitlynn Hill