Letter From the Board – June 2023


It is the time of year for celebrations. Flowers abound, children are eager to get outside to play, and our church year is transitioning to summer activities. Our gardens are growing, and life can be abundant.

As we look at the past year and ahead, how do we want to be with each other? Do we understand our roles as people of faith? Productive communication can strengthen understanding. This year your elected Board of Trustees has been at the table, especially in social hour after worship services, to listen to your ideas and suggestions. Gathering information and getting to know each other will help us plan for the church’s present life and move us into the future.

My name is Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, and I am a member of the Board of Trustees. I recently saw family in Pasadena and went to the Throop UU congregation’s worship service. The congregation is much smaller than First Unitarian Portland, and is trying to build back community after the last few years of enduring the pandemic, just as we are doing. The minister greeted people and asked folks in the pews to share “get to know you conversations” to find common experiences. The place was a-buzz with excitement, as we experienced in our First Unitarian Portland “greet your neighbor” time in the worship service. Then we sang #369 from the Service of the Living Tradition:

I know this rose will open, I know my fear will burn away. 

I know my soul will unfurl its wings, I know this rose will open.

Our world has changed, and there are challenges, but we have new insights based on experience, hope, and love. Your Board of Trustees is looking at this new world and how we have ministered to each other and to the larger community.

At this time of year, the Board evaluates itself, our goals, and the church’s overall ministry.

You have told us through surveys, conversations, and suggestions how you want to “open and spread your wings.” And the conversation is not over. This summer, we will consider what you have said and make plans while reviewing goals. Our next regular board meeting is in September, and congregants are welcome to come in person or via Zoom to observe or speak during a designated 10 minutes of the meeting. Our table will again be in the social hour, or you can email at board@firstunitarianportland.org.

You have a board that covers policy, ministers that have overall responsibility for the worship, and programs and facilities that are with you in building a thriving faith community in urban Portland for everyone.