February: Kay Myers

Print making first called to me 10 years ago after taking a class in monotype printing. Monotype involves applying oil-based ink with a brayer to create an image on plexiglass plate, then running the plate though a press. The result is a one-of-a kind-print on paper.

This recent work is inspired by the Columbia River Gorge.  I have spent much time exploring the Gorge, hiking nearly every trail on both sides of the river from Portland to Hood River. The fires inspired me to create some art that explores this wild grand beauty. In this current work I have made stencils of the landscapes, which allows me to repeat the compositions using differing colors and textures producing a new unique piece. It is much like seeing the Gorge at different times of the day or year: same landscape, different telling.

Monotype lends itself to creating rich landscapes where the sky and the earth and the water touch and reflect each other, producing a rich impressionistic images of the land. This is sacred land to all who understand, appreciate and honor its fragile beauty.