Moderator’s Letter – December 2020


Though we are physically away from our church, our holiday traditions are carrying on. The Alliance Greens Sale was successful and our social action groups gathered donations to support several of our community partners. 

The Board is continuing its discernment around adopting the 8th Principle. A group of leaders of our social action groups participated in a workshop using Paula Cole Jones’ presentation in early December. Additional workshops for the congregation are planned for January. We hope that you will participate in one of the workshops to learn about the Principle and what it would mean for our church to become a more actively antiracist congregation. The Board welcomes your thoughts and comments. 

Last month’s Board Forum was well-attended – 57 of you gave up some of your Sunday to learn about the Evaluation of the Ministry and the process for updating our church goals. We appreciate the opportunity to talk with you about this church that means so much to all of us. 

The Executive Team is reforecasting our budget now that Our Path Forward is complete. That information will be available after the first of the year. Again, we are very grateful for the support this congregation gives both financially and in service to help us live out our mission. 

We wish you all a warm, healthy and joyful holiday season. 

Mindy Clark 
