Community for Earth (CFE)

Community for Earth (CFE) nurtures climate activists, supporting each other and the congregation as we strive for climate justice.

We act urgently to mitigate or remediate climate change and promote a rapid and just transition to renewable energy. We act in a manner sensitive to structural racism and are ready to make amends and restitution.CFE members hold a hybrid business meeting before the worship service on the 2nd Sunday of the month. On the 4th Sunday, we meet for deeper exploration of an issue or for spiritual renewal. We organize events for the congregation throughout the year.  More information and Zoom links are on our Calendar.

Climate justice serves as the umbrella for CFE commitments, which range from policy actions such as support for divestment to spiritual renewal and community building to sustain our commitments. These are our primary focus areas for the current church year: 

Electrify Now!

Dedication celebration of the church’s solar panel installation

We are continuing our campaign to educate and support the congregation and community in transitioning away from fossil fuel appliances and vehicles. Community for Earth helped coordinate the installation of 140 solar panels on our church roof. In 2023 we sponsored a presentation on heat pumps and other clean energy options supported by state and federal rebate programs. We cooperate with local groups including Electrify Portland and Electrify PDX.

Outreach to Youth

Family Earth Day Fair

In April 2023, CFE members coordinated with the Learning Community to sponsor an Earth Fair that was attended by 130 congregants! We continue to work to help our children and youth connect to nature, and to support them as we together develop the social, emotional and political skills to navigate the climate crisis.

Policy and Legislation

First Unitarian shows up for Portland Youth Climate Strike

CFE members closely monitor city and state policies and legislation, and provide congregants information about opportunities to act on timely issues. CFE is campaigning to stop the Zenith fossil fuel company from expanding its Portland operations and transporting explosive materials by train through our communities. Learn about current campaigns at the CFE table at social hour in Fuller Hall after the service, or join our mailing list for occasional updates about pressing local issues.

Learn more about the mission and history of Community for Earth. All are welcome to join our community.