A Personal Message

Many of you know that I have been thinking about my retirement for some time.

When the congregation called me in 2010, there was honest conversation about how long my ministry might last. I was 64 then and we all knew that a 20- or 30-year ministry was not in the realm of possibility. We agreed that up to 10 years seemed reasonable.

This church year is my tenth.

I have decided to serve through this church year and the next, retiring in June of 2021. I will be 75 and that feels like the right time to step down.

I have chosen to be open about the decision. We are blessed with a Board of Trustees that will lead well through this transition. My openness has allowed them to begin planning the process that will be used in the transition. I will have no voice in that process.

Ten years seems like such a long time, yet it seems to have flown by. I want you to know that my ministry at First Unitarian has been the fulfillment of my calling. I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to be your minister.

There will be plenty of time to tell the story of the high points and the challenges we have lived through. It is far too early to begin saying goodbye. But it is time for both me and the congregation to look toward the future.

