Dana Buhl

Dana Buhl
Director of Social Justice



Dana joined staff as the Social Justice Director in the Summer of 2017.  She’s attended First Unitarian Church since 2003 and was drawn to our faith community because of its commitment to social and racial justice.

Over the last couple of years, Dana has led workshops on understanding white racial identity and challenging patterns of privilege. She’s also co-facilitated discussions of race with Parents Talk Racial Equity at her daughter’s school. In her new role, Dana draws on her experience as Program Coordinator and Director of the Legal Resources Project of the International Human Rights Internship Program. In that position, she co-authored a book on economic, social and cultural rights as human rights that synthesized the essential learning of front-line activists from countries of the South.

Dana holds a Masters of International Administration with a focus on Training and Intercultural Communication from the School for International Training. Her B.A. in Sociology and Afro-American Studies is from Wesleyan University.  She has also been practicing as a Licensed Massage Therapist in Portland since 2001.