Speaker: T.J. FitzGerald - Intern Minister

Piece of My Heart


Peace be with you. That’s OK. You can say it. Old habits die hard, right?

For those of us here raised in the Roman Catholic tradition, as well as some other traditions, we have a fine-tuned response to the words “Peace be with you.” … read more.

A Friend Indeed

Hearing our beautiful choir today reminds me a little of my childhood. I will carry your heart with me…. Specifically, what it reminds me of was how badly I wanted to be someone’s BE FRI. Sure, I would have settled for being someone’s … read more.

Peace Breaks Out

We all know the story, the old, old, deep story. A child, unknown, unplanned for, is delivered into the lives and the arms of the least suspecting parents. The child’s new parents travel great distances, to lands far, far, away, to settle with the child … read more.