Speaker: Rev. Bill Sinkford

Where Do We Start

The best …is yet… to come. 
I love the positive energy of that music. Such confidence. Such faith. 
Today is the first day of the best days of your life. 
Much of the summer has had the feel of a return to better days. 
The in-person service at Pioneer … read more.

General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship

We will join with fellow Unitarian Universalists around the world for the Sunday Worship at the UU General Assembly held virtually this year. The theme for the General Assembly will be “Circle ‘Round for Justice, Healing, Courage.



Turn and face the strange… 

Thank you, John. Thank you for bringing the gift of David Bowie’s lyrics and…presence… into our worship on this weekend. 

On this weekend when, among other things, we celebrate PRIDE. 

Happy PRIDE everyone! 

Bowie, with his…I suppose I should probably say “with their” androgynous … read more.

May the Road Rise Up to Meet You

I’m gonna walk the streets of glory. I’m gonna see that Holy City…one of these days.

One of these days…

On this day, looking out at all of your faces…for the first time in so long…this feels like a Holy City…

Filling this Square with our music…even muffled … read more.

New Wineskins

O, sing a new song to the Eternal…  

Sing a new song. 

Perhaps it is the unusual early run of warm, summer-like weather, or the dramatically changed new guidelines from the CDC… 

But for whatever reason, it feels more and more like we are beginning to emerge from … read more.

Restore Our Earth

“…there’s in this spring, a new era.” 

A new era. That phrase is from the virtual choir piece at the beginning of the service. Which I loved. 

I loved the setting in that community garden…in the Cully neighborhood, a model of empowerment of those who have been … read more.

Waiting to Exhale

Go out and tell your stories to your daughters and your sons. Make them hear you 

Esau McCaulley’s 13 year old son offered his opinion of this last week: “I do not understand why there is a trial. There is a nine-minute video.”  

McCauley is an Anglican priest and … read more.

Rolling Away the Stone

Easter morning. Early. The women b(r)ought spices and went to the tomb, hoping that they could find someone to roll away the stone from the opening. They were grieving. The hope they had discovered had been crushed by his death on the cross. 

They had been there at … read more.

A Year of COVID: Loss and Liberation

Something’s got you down 

Got you chained and bound 

Well break it… 

The power for liberation and for transformation is ours to claim. 

 “nothing’s gonna change if you don’t change it” 

Dolly Parton as theologian. 


Last Sunday, we recognized the pain of the pandemic, the losses we have all felt, and the blessings … read more.

A Year of COVID: And Then Life Changed

So many stories of where we’ve been, and how we got to this place. 

So many stories. What story will we tell of this last year? 

Do you remember how it began? 

March 1, 2020.  The first case of Covid in Oregon had been confirmed the previous day. The Bay … read more.