Communications Committee Review (June 2015-May 2016)

During the 2015-2016 year the Communications Committee accomplished the following:
· Cleaned up and updated our webpage to be more current.

· Cleaned up and updated Board-related pages on the church’s webpage. Information during the year was more accurate and timely.

· Issued the annual Congregant Survey and received one of the highest participation rates in the last 10 years. Among other uses, information collected by the survey was shared with Dr David Keyes, who was hired by the board to conduct the an external review of the church’s operation and administration.

· Held Cafe Conversations about Transparency with congregants. A synthesis and summary of these conversations is below. The board is now using this information to help inform its continuing work to improve transparency and communication with the congregation.

· Solidified our role as a vehicle for ‘linkage’ between the congregation, the board, and the Executive Team.

· Responded to letters and public comments from congregants

· Updated the board’s information wall in Fuller Hall.